What Challenges and Opportunities Does Data Provide?


In this section, we’ve explored the opportunities and challenges that come with data. We’ve seen how data is used by nearly everyone, but that certain professions, especially those related to critical infrastructure, are more data-driven than others. Importantly, we’ve learned that data is not only valuable for business profitability and organisational efficiency but also for the broader society.
The more individuals involved in discussions and decisions about data, the better our chances of utilising data in ways that are equitable and advantageous to the community. Improving society’s data literacy— the capability to read, comprehend, analyse, and critically think about data—is important for a more democratic society.
Everyone should possess a basic understanding of data to fully engage in future society and workforces, just as we require basic reading and writing skills. Those who specialise in this field are known as data scientists. In this section, we’ve explored what data science is, introduced the concept of big data, and examined some specific examples of what can be achieved with data. Data can help in the development of new services, improving product quality, better time management, and more efficient communication and marketing.
At the same time, we’ve also learned a bit about what can be the downside of a datafied society, from potential security challenges to the significant carbon footprint of the production and operation of digital devices.

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