Why Should I Care About Data?
Welcome to chapter 1, part 1!
Part 1
What you will learn
Data is like oxygen for the algorithms that control our digital everyday life. And it is a gold mine of information that can reveal valuable insights for those who wish to dig.
You can create value out of data, for yourself or for your business. But whether you want to live or work more data-driven or not, you should be aware of what’s going on—to ensure that your own data isn’t used against you.
In this section, you will become more familiar with what data actually is and how you contribute to its creation. You will see what happens with the data and how it can be used both by yourself and others. And you will get to know both the opportunities and challenges that come with this explosion of data and technology, both for yourself, your workplace and the rest of society.
How is data currently changing society?
You both use and produce data, whether you are aware of it or not. Everything you do digitally, and much of what you do offline as well, leaves a trace. Information in a data processing system. Data.
Click on the box below to start exploring how data is being utilised today.